Denise Grobbelaar:

Creativity & Imagination

Jungian Analyst, Psychotherapist & Clinical Psychologist.

From a Jungian perspective, engaging with myths, poetry, stories, music, and movement provides a profound means of accessing the deeper archetypal truths embedded in the collective unconscious.

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Categories: Creativity & Imagination, Mytho-Poetic

Within spaciousness, formlessness spawns form, darkness sparks light, and silence resonates sound… Spaciousness, appearing as form, light and sound, spawns seeds of the imagination...The primal wound opens...

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Categories: Creativity & Imagination, Inspiration (Book Extracts)

“There lives a creative being inside all of us and we must get out of its way for it will give us no peace unless we do.” At the core of this creativity is our personal daimon. Jung states that a creative person has little power over his own life, being captive and driven by his daimon which creates conflicts between the demands of inner and outer life.

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Categories: Creativity & Imagination

There is a creative instinct inherent in all human beings. Cultivating your creative capacity is deeply fulfilling, however as Jung cautions “There are hardly any exceptions to the rule that a person must pay dearly for the divine gift of the creative fire”. Engaging in genuine creativity is to manifest something unique. Rollo May describes the creative process “as representing the highest degree of emotional health, as the expression of the normal people in the act of actualizing themselves”, but warns “if you do not express your own original ideas, if you do not listen to your own being, you will have betrayed yourself.”

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Categories: Creativity & Imagination

Dream work provides an opportunity to get to know the different aspects of yourself. As a complex system, the human psyche, is not only identified by one state, but consists of multiple states simultaneously with an underlying hidden order. According to Robert Bosnak, what we experience as ourselves is, ‘A brewing together of disparate ingredients’, with these multiple inner perspectives often holding opposing values. Bosnak refers to dreams as ecosystems in which we are deeply connected to the presences we encounter.

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Categories: Active Imagination, Creativity & Imagination, Dreams