Working Therapeutically With Dreams And Visionary Experiences

Our dreams may offer valuable information at the deepest levels of our personalities and the manner in which we live our lives. Understanding the images of our dreams could increase our self-awareness and awareness of the world around us. Dreams can be seen as a pathway to heightened consciousness, wisdom and an expanded sense of self.

Dreams are the gateway to the unconscious and can assist to uncover underlying issues through a tracking of themes and patterns presented in the images. Dream work offers a deep insight into internal conflicts, identify barriers to healing and growth, as well as possible solutions. As a therapeutic tool dream work can assist professionals in helping their clients to identify unconscious patterns and deeply held beliefs that limit them in their lives. It provides avenues to unlock people’s potential and help clients to move towards living a meaningful life, taking guidance from their dreams and building a personal narrative that underlies our sense of self.

This course is aimed at training professionals in working therapeutically with dreams and other altered states of consciousness.

The learning objectives of this online course focus on:

  • An introduction to the different perspectives in working with dreams.
  • Developing an understanding of the dream as an embodied story in the psyche.
  • An in-depth exploration of the different approaches in terms of working with dreams; as well as the therapeutic considerations that determine how and when to use specific aspects of dream work with particular clients.
  • Increasing understanding of the dramatic structure of dreams 
  • Learning to differentiate between different types of dreams, such as anxiety, compensatory and transference dreams;  the therapeutic considerations applicable to each type of dream. 
  • Developing the capacity to differentiate between dream figures in terms of aspects of the dreamer’s psyche or their relationship to people in their world.  
  • Understand animal presences in dreams 
  • Learning to identify universal themes or patterns in dreams and what they may represent in the dreamer’s psyche, especially repetitive themes.
  • Learning how dream metaphors and symbols may signal which issues need to be addressed, and how and when they should be addressed. 
  • Working with nightmares. 
  • Learning dream incubation and dream recall strategies. 
  • Ethical considerations in the applications of dream work to Entheogenic (psychedelic) visionary experience. 
  • Ethical considerations in the integration process of psychedelic experiences.
  • Working with reported or anticipated psychedelic experiences; learning to ethically approach issues such as harm reduction; risk and benefit assessment; and participants’ psychological and physical preparation.

Course outline:

  • 4 recorded webinar modules (with MCQ’s) on working with dreams
  • 1 recorded ETHICS webinar module (with MCQ) on applying dream work to altered states of consciousness (psychedelics) 
  • 3 readings (with MCQ’s) 
  • 24  Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points, including 3 Ethics points 
  • R3200 for the full course
  • Email to purchase course


Module 1 - Video Lecture: Introduction & Overview: A portal to the deeper meaning of life

In this introductory module, we will delve into the profound significance of dreams in past civilizations, explore the traditional viewpoint that regards dreams as symbolic, and equip ourselves with tools to decipher the language of our dreams.

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Module 2 - Video Lecture: Decoding dreams: Different approaches

In this module, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of the diverse approaches to dream work, aimed at deepening our understanding of dreams as embodied living stories within the psyche of individuals. Professionals will gain invaluable insights into the therapeutic considerations necessary for effectively working with dreams, enabling them to tailor their approach to the unique needs of each client.

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Module 3 - Video Lecture: Decoding dreams: Types of dreams & cultivating dreaming (how to remember your dreams)

The primary objective of this module is to enrich professionals' comprehension and recognition of the diverse types of dreams. By honing their ability to discern between different dream categories, professionals can enhance their capacity for insight, empathy, and therapeutic intervention.

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Module 4 - Video Lecture: Deepening dream work: Tracking aspects of self & universal themes / patterns

In Module 4 of our dream course, participants will embark on an immersive exploration of the intricate dynamics at play within the realm of dreams. This module focuses on deepening professionals' capacity to perceive dream figures, including animals, as reflections of different aspects of the dreamer's psyche and deciphering the universal themes and patterns that pervade the dream landscape.

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Module 5 - Video Lecture: Applications of dream work to Entheogenic (psychedelic) visionary experience: Ethical considerations. (ETHICS MODULE)

In Module 5 of our dream course, participants will explore the ethical considerations inherent in the intersection of dream work and entheogenic (psychedelic) visionary experiences. This module provides professionals with essential insights and guidelines for approaching psychedelics in an ethical and responsible manner, with a focus on harm reduction, risk assessment, psychological preparation, integration, and the application of dream work approaches.

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Module 6 - Reading: Denise Grobbelaar (2020) The White Lion as Symbol of the Archetype of the Self and the Cannibalization of the Self in Canned Hunting, Jung Journal, 14:2, 11-29

This paper explores the symbolism of the white lion as an archetype representing the Self in Jungian psychology. By exploring the mythological, cultural, and spiritual associations of the white lion, the paper elucidates its symbolic resonance as a manifestation of the individuated self. The relevance of this paper is that a beautiful numinous dream (about a white lion), and subsequently two visits to the Timbavati, heartlands of the white lions, led the author down this path of exploration. It illustrates how dreams can serve as guiding forces along our life journeys.

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Module 7 - Reading: Frank, E. (2004) Psychology and dreams - Interpretation, The book of dreams. Cape Town: Human & Rousseau

This book chapter (used with permission) serves as a comprehensive exploration of the psychological dimensions of dreams, offering readers valuable insights into the rich and complex world of dream interpretation and its implications for understanding the human psyche. It offers a detailed method for interpreting dreams, along with guiding questions to facilitate deeper understanding.

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Module 8 - Reading: Frank, E. (2004) Universal themes - The idea of archetypes, The book of dreams. Cape Town: Human & Rousseau

In this chapter (used with permission), readers can expect to gain an understanding of the role of archetypes in dream symbolism and interpretation. The author explores the concept of archetypes as universal symbols and themes that appear in dreams across cultures and throughout history. She discusses various archetypal figures and motifs commonly found in dreams, such the threatening stranger, houses, water and other archetypal patterns through the use of examples.

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